"The difference between successful people and those who give up on their goals is consistency."- Ryan Mitchell Rios & Mark Atalla
Especially when you are having a hard time seeing much progress in lowering your blood pressure, sometimes it's hard to even want to keep up with some of the things people or doctors tell you to do.
That's totally understandable... and believe me...I get it!
Sometimes it might even feel like a test... how long will you keep this up before you actually see success?!
It's kind of like the movie "Groundhog Day" Did you ever see it?
The key is to have a little patience with all that discipline you are having every day!
Remember that with consistent action or methods, you can look forward to eventually seeing progress with better numbers showing up on your blood pressure monitor... even if the progress is just a little at a time!
Celebrate even small successes!
Besides... what is the alternative?
Even if you are on blood pressure medication, steps that you take to make some lifestyle changes can only be good for you.
Mark Mitchell Rios and Mark Atalla, two entrepreneurs being interviewed in Entrepreneur India were talking about consistency being the key to success. Mark commented, "Your life is shaped by the activities you do on a consistent basis."
Although they were talking about working with their businesses, the same goes with your daily life... whether you are running a business or working towards better health!
What Are Your Blood Pressure Goals?
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Do you still want to be taking medicine, or would you actually prefer to move over to keeping your blood pressure under control using your own power of control.

I know what to do if I feel there’s a problem: I check my blood pressure immediately, think back on what could have affected it, and then fix it. It’s usually down within hours because I’ve taken the steps of learning what can help.
But one thing I have noticed is that so many people today rely solely on medicine. There are a lot of people in high blood pressure groups that ask questions about side effects of various medicines.
While I understand that the medicines usually do a good job, the side effects scare me, and seem to at the very least annoy others as well.

My one wish with this blog is to let you know how many opportunities there are on a day-to-day basis to lower your blood pressure with a few changes made on a consistent basis.
Consistency Breeds Success
The key word here is consistent. If you watch your diet just every few days, or exercise once a week, that’s just not going to cut it as a lifestyle change. You may be able to fool your mind, but that won’t fool your body! : )
Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but it's true.
Even making one change every couple of weeks and doing it on a daily basis could give you results. If you are monitoring your blood pressure at home, it will give you such a good feeling when you see your blood pressure numbers start to come down.
It makes it easier to form those habits that will get you into better health. Of course, check with your doctor to get his ok, and never stop medication without his consent.
It makes it easier to form those habits that will get you into better health. Of course, check with your doctor to get his ok, and never stop medication without his consent.
Just take one day at a time and focus on the new habit you’re forming, and you will achieve that consistency that brings fabulous, exciting results!
As the seasons change from winter to spring, now is the perfect time to take up walking. It’s one of those things that is highly recommended to help your heart out, AND you usually do it on a daily basis at no cost right around your home!
Here’s a quick video to get you motivated.
Entrepreneur India. Why Consistency is the Key to Success, Learn from These Entrepreneurs. Written by Julian Lim. Published August 17, 2021. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/380438
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