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High Blood Pressure Symptoms

Systolic & Diastolic Numbers Explained

Systolic & Diastolic Numbers Explained

The two numbers seen in a blood pressure reading are the systolic (upper number) and the diastolic (lower number). The systolic number is reading the pressure your blood is putting on the arteries as it is pushing through to the heart. The diastolic number is reading the pressure of the blood while the heart is at rest in between the heart beats.


·         Low systolic numbers are under 90.
·         Normal systolic numbers are 120 & under.
·         Prehypertensive numbers are 120 to 139.
·         Hypertensive or high are any numbers above 140.


·         Low diastolic numbers are under 60.
·         Normal diastolic numbers are 61 to 80.
·         Prehypertensive numbers are 81 to 89.
·         Hypertensive numbers are above 90.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms to Watch For

Not to scare you or anything, but high blood pressure also has another name, "the silent killer." Many times the symptoms do not show up until all of a sudden there are signs of stroke or heart attack. 
At that point, there is no doubt that you would be wishing you had taken the time to pay attention to your body.

Does High Blood Pressure Cause Headaches

Current research says that most headaches are not caused by high blood pressure. There was a study done that showed that most headaches are actually caused by tension and worry. The theory behind that is that the arteries have become stiffer, thus not allowing the pain to be felt.

Keep in mind that everybody might not have the same blood pressure symptoms. Some people may get headaches because of high blood pressure.

In my experience, when I start to get a nagging headache, my blood pressure is the first thing I check. Usually, my blood pressure will be higher than normal. 

Now, the higher numbers could be because of the pain, or it could be because of something I've done that's causing an issue... such as caving to temptation and caving to the temptation of some yummy food! Or being super stressed about something.

If I suspect that is the case, I generally like to not take headache medication and instead do some things that I know bring my blood pressure down. That way I know if what I'm doing is working or not. 

But that's just me.... you figure out what you need to do.

If your blood pressure is way above what you know it should be, do not be afraid to call your doctor or be checked at urgent care or a hospital. Better safe than sorry... right?

If you do get a headache, however, and it IS caused by hypertension, other symptoms could go along with it.  Or you could have the other symptoms without the headache. 

One or all of the following symptoms could show up for you.

                                Dizziness                        Nausea
                                Vertigo                            Irregular Heartbeat

                                Shortness of breath       Fatigue

It is for that reason it is really important to at least have an idea of what your blood pressure numbers are.

Everyday stresses in life, the food we eat, and even how much sleep we do or do not get influence what is going on in our arteries.

Acute Symptoms - Go to the hospital!

On a personal note, when I first realized I had high blood pressure issues & had better get to the hospital (courtesy of my daughter), I had popping sensations in my head along with seeing stars (not the Hollywood type!), nausea and dizziness even while sitting down. No pain whatsoever

All is normal now, tho for me!

But, if you have any doubts about your own situation, it's better to be safe than sorry. Please take appropriate action, be it the doctor, hospital or urgent care.